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Recruit MAC Students

A strong technical accounting education customized with in-demand specializations, integrated data analytics and a focus on real-world learning experiences prepare NC State's Master of Accounting graduates to tackle accounting and business challenges.

Recruit Our Students

MAC students seeking full-time employment

  • Each year the MAC Program has 50-60 highly qualified MAC students seeking full-time employment after MAC graduation. The majority of students sit for the first section of the CPA in January (while they are in the MAC program) and complete all four sections before starting employment in the fall.

Accounting Internship Recruitment Program (AIR Program)

  • The MAC Career Services team works with a select group of undergraduate accounting students who plan to enter the NC State Jenkins MAC Program.  They become enrolled in the AIR Program in spring semester of their junior year.

Recruiting Events

Recruiting activities for students start the summer before the fall semester begins. Activities include student career development workshops, Tour of Cities, and firm leadership conferences. The beginning of the fall semester marks the official start of students’ recruitment process. Employers are on campus and interviews and networking activities are in full swing.

NC State students networking with recruiters
Students network at the Meet the Firms event.