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chief risk officer

May 23, 2022

Running the Risk: What it Takes to be a Chief Risk Officer (CRO)

Whether it’s protecting the organization’s reputation after an onslaught of customer complaints, or navigating disruptions due to semiconductor shortages, an organization relies on the leadership of its Chief Risk Officer (CRO) to weather the storms.

Apr 25, 2022

Online MAC Student One Step Closer to Reaching Her Goal

Balancing parenthood, working full time and pursuing a degree is difficult for anyone to manage. But for Melissa Fischer, a Jenkins Online Master’s of Accounting (MAC) student, the challenge is worth it.

Mar 11, 2022

MAC Student Studies Halfway Across the World in Vicenza, Italy

Noryari Santiago-Carpio is currently enrolled in the NC State MAC online program 4,500 miles away in Vicenza, Italy. Santiago-Carpio became involved with NC State after seeking out a flexible, online master's program.

Mar 1, 2022

Branching Out in the Online MAC Program

Online student Jenny McClamroch has jumped out of her comfort zone to pursue a career change to accounting in the NC State MAC program. As a full-time, stay-at-home parent and student, she continues to grow and defy all expectations.

Feb 28, 2022

Learning by Doing: A Look Inside Poole’s Risk Management Practicum

See how students gain real-world experience by working directly with client companies as part of the risk management practicum course.

Mike Constantino in front of a background of a wolf statue and his name and graduation years listed

Feb 8, 2022

Extraordinary Difference: Mike Constantino

For Mike Constantino, NC State’s Think and Do the Extraordinary Campaign was a deeply personal endeavor. Along with his wife, Lori, the Wolfpack alumnus and former scholarship recipient worked to help others learn, grow and succeed at his alma mater by supporting the Extraordinary Opportunity Scholarship Initiative and other efforts.

May 27, 2021

Student Seeks a Challenge Through MAC Graduate Program

Online graduate student Tiffany Allis shares her story and experience throughout the Jenkins Master of Accounting (MAC) online program. She has pursued the challenge of earning her master’s degree while balancing her professional career.

May 27, 2021

Online Graduate Student of MAC Program Pursues Her Ambitions in Accounting

Preethi Ram Mohan is a graduate student in the Jenkins Master of Accounting (MAC) online program at NC State. She shares her experiences in the program and how she plans to use what she’s learned in her future career.

Online student Sheila Ogaye has made the most of her experience in the NC State MAC program.

Apr 12, 2021

Online Graduate Student Expands Her Skills in the MAC Program

As a student in the Jenkins Master of Accounting (MAC) online program, Sheila Ogaye has expanded her knowledge of accounting and beyond. Ogaye hopes to use her experience to inspire others to join an online masters program.

Jared Korver sitting at a table at work.

Jan 5, 2021

Master of Accounting Alum Shines

With a desire to begin establishing himself and building his professional network, Jared Korver began the NC State Jenkins Master of Accounting (MAC) program where he received the foundational knowledge and encouragement from instructors to prepare for his future.