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the hands of two different people hover over a laptop, as if one person is explaining something to another person

Jun 6, 2024

How to Build a Team of ‘Appropriately Skeptical’ Financial Statement Auditors

Rewarding skepticism is associated with an increased likelihood of identifying potential fraud during the auditing process.

Building blocks show names of corporate entity types: LLC, INC, partnership, s-corp, sole prioprieter.

May 31, 2024

The ABCs of LLCs (and C and S corps, too)

An entrepreneur’s choice of business entity type affects everything from taxes to legal liability. Poole College scholars analyze the options for organizing.

May 31, 2024

Gambling Taxes Hit Low-Income Bettors Hardest

North Carolina taxes online gambling winnings, but losses aren’t deductible. That hits low-income payers hardest, a Poole College professor says.

a young woman works on a computer while an older woman looks over her shoulder

Apr 18, 2024

Senior Staff Give More Constructive Feedback When They Think They’ll Work With You Again

The findings are relevant to any company where on-the-job training is important for developing a skilled workforce.

photo shows a notebook, calculator and pen lying on a white surface

Dec 21, 2023

How Companies Worked Around a Law Aimed at Keeping U.S. Tax Dollars from Going Overseas

Legislation aimed at preventing large companies from avoiding U.S. taxes by shuttling money to foreign subsidiaries hasn’t worked as well as anticipated. Now we know why.

Noryari Santiago-Carpio and her husband pose for a selfie.

Dec 12, 2023

Online Grad Finds Flexibility 4,500 Miles from Campus

Fall 2023 graduate Noryari Santiago-Carpio completes the NC State Online Master of Accounting program while living in Vicenza, Italy. Read about her journey through this accounting program!

photo shows a table with two laptops. two people are going over paperwork between the laptops.

Dec 1, 2023

New Audit Rules Had Little Effect on Companies

A recent study finds new financial auditing regulations did have an effect – but it was a small one.

image shows a stack of newspapers. One of the newspapers is sticking out. It is from the World Business section.

Sep 21, 2023

Accounting Transparency Effort Tied to Decreased Funding for Innovation

Regulations aimed at improving the transparency of corporate accounting practices appear to have unintended consequences.

tax documents scattered across desk top

Jan 9, 2023

When Taxes Go Up, Execs Increase Profits from Insider Trading

The increase in insider trading puts companies at risk, even when the trades are legal.

Oct 31, 2022

Online MAC Program Creates New Possibilities for Physical Therapist

Ebony Therrier discovered the online MAC program right as she was considering a career transition from physical therapy to accounting. After graduation, she aspires to use her newfound knowledge to help small businesses thrive.