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Fall Semester Reflection

(Written by Sarah Petersen)

The semester is quickly coming to an end. We recently finished our ACC 600 course – Managerial & Career Effectiveness. Throughout the course we heard from a variety of speakers and topics including, but not limited to, women in the workforce, the importance of diversity in the workplace, and the importance of building a mentor relationship at work. There was a mix of speakers from practice and faculty from NC State, with a different speaker every week. I always enjoyed hearing from the faculty and learning more about their personal and professional experiences that molded them into who they are today. 

Final projects and exams are in sight. My team started working on the tax data analytics assignment I referenced in my last post. We are comparing our assigned company’s effective tax rate with those in its industry by analyzing factors that impact the effective tax rate. We will put our data analytic skills to work by utilizing a correlation matrix and performing a regression analysis. 

As I reflect on the semester, I recognize the element of group work has not only prepared me for my career, but provided me with a network of other online students. Throughout the semester, I worked with and developed relationships with other students from different educational and professional backgrounds. These relationships have made a difference in my online experience. 

Other social opportunities throughout the semester included two online social events held by the MAC organization. These events included both online and on-campus students that provided an opportunity to meet one another informally. 

One final thought before I sign off: the professors have provided ample opportunities to connect throughout the semester online. At least three of my courses have a time scheduled each week to discuss the material and ask questions if needed. These sessions are during the evenings since a good portion of the online class works full time. The professors genuinely care about providing a positive experience and have been receptive to feedback regarding the online course structure. 

Thank you for reading my thoughts on the semester. I hope I have provided a small glimpse into the life of an online MAC student. 

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