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ACC 519 Applied Financial Management

Top 10 Ways to Stay Connected With the Jenkins MAC Program

If you’re a part of our alumni community, staying connected with the program enriches your professional network and keeps you informed and engaged with the latest developments in the field. Here are the top 10 ways to maintain and strengthen your ties with the program.

MAC Celebration event with Ms. Wuf

1. Attend the MAC 30th Celebration

Join us for the NC State Jenkins MAC Program’s 30th Anniversary Celebration! This milestone event will be a fantastic opportunity to reconnect with fellow alumni, celebrate the program’s achievements and look ahead to an exciting future. Mark your calendar for November 7 and be part of this special occasion.

2. Engage on Social Media

Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. Engage with posts, share your achievements and stay updated with the latest news and events. 

3. Participate in Webinars and Workshops

We launched MAC Lifelong Learning, which includes webinars and an annual summit that covers various accounting and professional development topics while offering CPE. Participating in these sessions is a great way to stay informed and continue learning. 

Check out the offerings for 2024

4. Mentor Current Students

Volunteering as a mentor for current MAC students is a rewarding way to give back to the program. Your guidance and experience can significantly impact the next generation of accountants. Contact Jessica Moran,, if you are interested in mentoring students.

5. Contribute to the Newsletter

Share your professional achievements, career milestones or insights by contributing articles or updates to the alumni newsletter. Your experiences can inspire and inform fellow alumni and current students. Send contributions to Jessica Moran at

6. Participate in Career Services

Network with student jobseekers, stay updated on hiring trends and volunteer to give feedback in resume reviews and mock interviews. Contact us when you or your employer is hiring, and attend our annual recruitment events. Contact Kelly Hardy at to engage with career services. 

7. Support the Program Financially

Consider donating to the NC State Jenkins MAC Program. Your contributions can help fund scholarships and other initiatives that enhance the program’s quality and reputation. Contact Scott Showalter at to learn more about how you can contribute.

8. Nominate Fellow Alumni for the Distinguished Alumni Award

Help us recognize outstanding achievements by nominating fellow alumni for the Alumni of the Year Award. This prestigious award honors those who have significantly contributed to the accounting profession, their community, and the Jenkins MAC Program. Your nominations ensure that our alumni’s hard work and dedication are celebrated and acknowledged. Nominations for the MAC 30-Year celebration are open until August 30, 2024. Nominate fellow alumni here.

9. Refer a Student to the MAC Program

Contribute to the future of the NC State Jenkins MAC Program by referring talented individuals to the MAC program, helping to expand and enrich the community. Remember, we have the ASAP prerequisite program for those with a non-accounting undergraduate degree. Contact Jay Arrington at for more details on how to refer a student.

10. Stay Informed with the MAC Program Website

Regularly visit the NC State Jenkins MAC Program website for updates on curriculum changes, faculty achievements and upcoming events. The website is a valuable resource for staying informed about all things MAC.


We hope these tips inspire you to stay engaged and involved. Your participation and support are vital to the continued success and growth of the NC State Jenkins MAC Program!