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Poole’s Master of Accounting Program is Ready for Fall 2020

Jenkins MAC Program welcomes 154 students including the first online student cohort.

It’s a fact: everyone needs accountants. And as the field’s demand for qualified professionals continues to grow, the Jenkins Master of Accounting (MAC) Program is positioned to equip the next wave of incoming students, working professionals and lifelong learners. 

Each fall, the program accepts exceptional students ready to advance their careers to the next level – and this year is no different. This academic year, the MAC Program will be welcoming 154 students, 121 in-person and 33 online candidates.

On-Campus MAC

Average GMAT Score of 563

Average GPA of 3.52

52% are Non-NC State Alumni

Online MAC

This year’s introduction of the Jenkins MAC Online program allows part-time, working students the opportunity to maintain the priorities of life much easier.

“The family, work and educational needs and concerns of students are constantly changing. The Jenkins MAC Program recognizes the need for this flexibility and therefore has provided an opportunity for online learning in all elements of the MAC Program,” said Scott Showalter, director of the MAC program and professor of practice in accounting.

40% Represent Minority Groups

57% Have Non-Accounting Academic Background

55% are Female

Prepared for a Post-COVID World

In the midst of COVID-19, the MAC curriculum was already positioned to be a needful and competitive program by offering online learning.

“In the coming semesters, Poole faculty and staff are committed to providing a safe environment for all of our students to flourish and be successful”, said Jay Arrington, associate director of admissions for Jenkins MAC. “Online learning provides the safety students need while still pushing them forward towards their long term goals at the same time.”

But as the college gears up for fall courses, students on campus can still expect an engaging learning environment. Most on-campus courses will be implemented in a hybrid format through both face-to-face and Zoom instruction, and faculty are focused on maximizing each type of interaction.

Meet Our Online Students

Preethi Rammohan, Jenkins MAC Online Program

Preethi Rammohan’s journey to the Jenkins MAC Program was a bit longer than others. She completed her bachelor’s degree in computer application in India in 2007 and has been working as a teacher before beginning to pursue her master’s degree.

It was important to Rammohan to continue her education as a mother to two children to build a pathway to starting her own business. Her goal is to open her own firm one day after getting accounting experience under her belt.

The MAC Program has the  most unique concentrations that I have not found in any other university in this area – specifically the focus on enterprise risk management (ERM) and information technology (IT),” said Rammohan. “I am most excited about career connections, the variety of subjects I get to study, as well as the quality of education.”

Kendra Palmer, Jenkins MAC Online Program

Kendra Palmer is an NC State Poole College of Management alumna who received her Bachelor of Science in accounting in 2019. Her undergraduate experience is what led her to return to Poole with hopes of one day becoming a certified public accountant (CPA). 

“Online learning allows me to continue my education at NC State, where I believe I will get the best education, while living hours away from the main campus,” said Palmer. “It also means that I can study at my own pace, and rewind and re-watch class recordings as needed to fully understand the material.”

Palmer already has two full-time job offers from Deloitte and PwC in the audit profession and will soon be deciding on an offer.