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Lauren Kern, Assistant Director of Accounting and Finance at USA Baseball 

Two-time NC State alumna Lauren Kern is leveraging the accounting skills she gained in the MAC program – as well as the sports management experience she gained in undergrad – to work in her dream job: an accounting role for a major sports organization. 

Lauren Kern graduated from the Jenkins MAC program in May 2024.

Get to know Lauren

Program format: On-campus MAC
Program start date: August 2023
Graduation date:
May 2024
Current location: Raleigh, NC

Life before Jenkins

Work experience: 1 year 
Industry(ies): Accounting and finance
Roles: Accounting and finance intern, assistant director of accounting and finance
Field: Accounting & Finance
Undergraduate education: North Carolina State University, B.S. in Accounting with a minor in parks, recreation and tourism

Career goals

Passionate about both sports and accounting, Kern aspires to become a chief financial officer or director of finance for a major sports team or organization – and saw the Jenkins MAC program as an important step toward her career goals. “I knew that if I wanted to aim high, the first step was to complete my education at the highest level,” she says. “I also knew that a MAC degree would help me gain a lot of necessary skills accountants must have and provide me with knowledge and experience to be successful in the accounting field. Plus, I figured it would be helpful if I ever wanted to get my CPA license.”

Why Accounting?

Kern has always been a logical, analytical thinker who loves working with numbers, but it wasn’t until she took an accounting class her first year in undergrad that she seriously considered the field. “When I came to college at NC State, I was an exploratory studies major because I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do. I took a lot of classes in my freshman year to help me gain a better understanding, and after taking an accounting class, I realized it wasn’t just a class I did well in, but one I found interesting – so I decided to major in accounting,” she says.

“However, I have always loved sports, and I knew that if I did accounting, I would not want to go the traditional accounting route – so I decided to take several sports management classes as part of the parks, recreation and tourism minor. I knew that combining my passion for sports with my academic abilities in accounting would be my dream job, so that is exactly what I did.”

Why Jenkins? 

During her undergraduate years at NC State, Kern had the opportunity to learn more about the academic environment in the Jenkins MAC program – which made applying to the program a no-brainer. “I was involved in a lot of clubs in undergrad and one of those was Beta Alpha Psi, where I got to hear a lot about the MAC program and all it had to offer. I also heard a lot about the program through Jay Arrington, who highlighted all the opportunities the program provides,” she says. “Once I heard about the Jenkins MAC program through Jay and Beta Alpha Psi, I was sold. It was the only graduate program I applied to and I was fortunate enough to not only get in but also obtain a fellowship.”

Daily life

According to Kern, the Jenkins MAC program prepared her well for both her life and career – and although it was demanding, it still left room for her to work a full-time job, serve as a teaching assistant for ACC210, keep up with her five siblings, spend time with friends and participate in sports – including the NC State Women’s Club Basketball Team and intramural soccer and flag football.

“The MAC program was tough, but rewarding. It taught me a lot of valuable skills that will be useful in the real world when things never really slow down when you want them to. And while it was a lot of work, my day-to-day life was pretty fun,” she says. “I was a little scared going into the MAC program, but once I started the program I realized that as long as I managed my time well and took the program seriously, it was very doable. 

What makes it great

In addition to providing her with foundational skills and knowledge for the future, Kern says the Jenkins MAC program provided a warm, welcoming learning environment and a supportive community to belong to.

“Everyone has your back and everyone wants what is best for you. Professors make genuine relationships with their students, and I had many professors who I hope to keep in touch with throughout my life. I also valued the fact that each student has a professor who serves as a mentor. Bonnie Hancock was mine, and she hosted many mentee events that made it easy to meet people in the MAC program and build meaningful relationships,” she says.

“Not only were the professors supportive, but all of the staff and the administrators were as well. There were countless times that I went to Jay for advice or just to discuss my time in the program. I don’t think I would have made it through the program as well as I did without the support of these people and my classmates,” she continues. “Every time I walked into class I would be greeted with plenty of smiles from my classmates who had all become friends early on in the program, which is one thing I really appreciated since there were so many presentations. While presentations may seem nerve-racking, it’s a lot easier when you realize you’re just presenting to a bunch of your friends.”

Career impact 

As assistant director of accounting and finance at USA Baseball, Kern has relied on the knowledge and skills she developed in the Jenkins MAC program and says the program has positioned her well for success and career advancement. “The Jenkins MAC program taught me a lot of valuable skills – especially time management. Working in sports, I’ve realized there is always a lot going on across the different departments. Staying busy in the MAC program and learning how to handle everything in the most efficient way possible has helped me do the same in my career,” she says.

“As part of my job, I have a lot of opportunities to work in other fields beyond accounting – such as baseball operations. Without the time management skills I learned in the MAC program, it would be a lot more difficult and stressful,” she continues. “Leaving the MAC program, I not only felt much smarter, but also more confident in my ability to succeed in the real world. I was equipped to be the best worker I can be in my current profession and I strive to continue to learn more.”

“Leaving the MAC program, I not only felt much smarter, but also more confident in my ability to succeed in the real world.”

Final thoughts

Reflecting on her experience in the Jenkins MAC program, Kern feels gratitude for her accomplishments and the network she gained along the way – and she encourages prospective students to take advantage of all the program has to offer. “I loved the MAC program and I would recommend it to anyone majoring in accounting. Although it was challenging, every master’s program is – and accomplishing all the things I did within the last year was so rewarding and well worth it,” she says.

“I also made such great relationships with faculty and my classmates. Many of the classmates I had in the program have turned into my best friends, and I will forever be grateful for the NC State MAC program fostering such a relationship building environment. I honestly could not imagine a better experience in graduate school than the one I had,” Kern continues. “The Jenkins MAC program provides its students with so many resources to be successful and enjoy their time in the program. It may seem scary because of all the work it requires, but as long as you’re willing to put in the work, you will see the rewards through all the opportunities you obtain.” 

Get in touch

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Learn more

To learn more about the Jenkins MAC program, including tuition, curriculum, career opportunities and more, please submit the form below. 
