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Andrew Schmidt Explains How Mark Zuckerberg Will Get ‘Major Break’ on Meta Dividends Tax Bill

According to a recent MSN MarketWatch report, Mark Zuckerberg recently announced Meta’s first-ever dividend. Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta Platforms Inc., is poised to make $700 million in dividends yearly. He owns nearly 350 million shares, according to FactSet, and the company will start paying a quarterly dividend of 50 cents a share.

“Zuck is getting a major break,” said Andrew Schmidt, associate professor of accounting in the Poole College of Management, who also crunched the numbers for MarketWatch.

Approximately $167 million “seems like a high tax bill,” Schmidt said in the article. But if Zuckerberg received the $700 million as a straight salary, Schmidt estimated he’d be looking at a roughly $259 million tax bill on the wages after they were taxed at the top marginal rate of 37%.

Read more on MarketWatch.

This post was originally published on Poole Thought Leadership.