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How To Build Your Network In The MAC Program

With the end of the fall semester just around the corner, I’m here to fill you in on the top-secret methods to making over 100 friends as a graduate student in a short amount of time, and even better, it comes with little effort!  While a student in the MAC program, you are building a network for life. You will take this network of friends with you throughout your career.


Secret #1 – Be admitted to a MAC program

This secret out of the next three is probably the only one requiring effort. You have to have the grades, involvement, and ability to handle ample amounts of work to put yourself in a position to be considered for a prestigious MAC program. Once you have been admitted to a MAC program, you’re well on your way to making 100+ friends.

Secret #2 – Enroll in the same courses as everyone for fall semester

If you’re admitted to a MAC program organized like NC State’s, this secret requires little to no effort because you don’t have a choice but to take the same classes as everyone for both semesters. There are a couple exceptions to this when considering electives, but everyone in the program is enrolled in the same core classes for fall and spring semester.  Each core class offers three sections so you may not take classes at the same time as everyone, but you will all be learning the same material and completing the same assignments. Use having the same classes as a bonding topic between you and all your new friends.

Secret #3 – Have a “we’re all in this together” mentality

Simply put, understand that you aren’t the only person in the MAC program. Your classmates are experiencing some of the very same struggles you are; therefore, you should use having 125 new friends to your advantage. Seek advice and guidance on your tough assignments, how to have school-life balance, and how to make the most out of your MAC program experience. When you have 125 new friends, not only do you have a bunch of new friends, but your life is also made easier with 125 resources to get you through the tough and happy times.

Secret #4 – Last but certainly not least, be social

Again, this will require little to no effort. The only effort that may be required is to join the MAC program Facebook group to stay up to date on social happenings. The MAC program at NC State is constantly putting on these events for the students in the program. Whether its tailgates for football games or happy hours on Friday nights, there is always an opportunity to adventure outside of Nelson Hall and spend time with 125 of your favorite classmates in a non-educational format. (Yes, there is a life outside of Nelson Hall.) Even during the hours spent in Nelson Hall, be social! Cracking jokes with your classmates over current coursework not only grows your 100 + new friendships, but it also eases the stress from said coursework.

If you put each of these top-secret methods into action, you are sure to have 125 new friends in a matter of months. New friends and ease of stress from coursework?  I think it’s safe to say you’re getting the best of both worlds in this situation. After graduation you will be happy to be able to connect with these friends for advice, career help, or simply just to share a cup of coffee.

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